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Native Advertising Examples: Top 5 Picture-Perfect Cases

Published: October, 2023
Last updated: : October, 2023
With a massive influx of advertisements flooding in on us from everywhere, it is vital for professionals in this field to pull on all of their knowledge in search of more optimal ways to do their jobs. This is when native advertising comes to the forefront. This innovative form of advertising has emerged as a potent tool for businesses to seamlessly integrate their promotional content into a user's online experience. In this article, let’s have a bash on what native advertising is, its key advantages, and present a few standout examples that illustrate its effectiveness. 

What Is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a form of advertising that smoothly blends into the surrounding content on a website or platform. The primary aim is to create content that looks and feels like the content the user has come to the platform for, making it less intrusive and more engaging. Did you know that 70% of users would rather learn about products through content rather than through traditional ads? This is where native advertising comes to the forefront. Its objective is to offer users content that they are interested in while also providing advertisers with a more effective way to reach their target audience.

Types of Native Advertising

Successful native advertising examples prove that native advertising is a versatile and practical approach to engaging audiences by introducing promotional content with the user's natural experience. As multifaceted as this sponsored content gets, there are different approaches to its typology. Here are some of the most common types of native advertising, each with its own unique benefits and considerations:1. In-feed ads: These ads appear within the content feed of a website or social media platform. They are designed to blend in with the surrounding content and provide a more natural experience for users.
2. Sponsored content: May be used as a form of native advertising, covering under its umbrella blog posts, articles, and videos that are designed to provide value to the user while also increasing brand awareness and resulting in a spike in sales. 
3. Recommendation widgets: Recommendation widgets are typically found at the bottom of articles and suggest other articles or content that the user may be interested in. Brands often sponsor these widgets and can help to drive traffic to their website. 
4. Promoted listings: Promoted listings are a form of native advertising that appears in search results or on e-commerce websites. They are designed to promote specific products or services and drive sales. 
5. Custom content units: Custom content units are a form of native advertising that involves creating custom-designed content tailored to the displayed platform. This can include interactive ads, quizzes, and games that are designed to engage users and achieve other goals set by advertisers. 
Overall, native advertising provides numerous benefits over other advertising methods. By blending in with the platform and providing a more natural experience for users, sponsored content can increase engagement, brand awareness, and conversions. As such, it's no surprise that native ads swiftly gained popularity among advertisers looking to connect with their target audience more meaningfully.

Examples of Native Advertising

The most memorable examples of native advertising offer a glimpse into the constantly evolving world of native advertising, where the boundaries of content and design are constantly being pushed to create fresh and unexpected experiences. Here are just a few to exemplify this article’s central message, i.e., native advertisement is an ever-evolving, captivating realm of creative marketing.1. Sponsored Native Ads on Facebook – a powerful tool for brands looking to increase their reach and engagement. For this particular case, we will not provide real-life examples because what we want to stress here is the innovative technique of weaving a piece of sponsored content into the users’ feed. With continuously enhanced advanced targeting capabilities introduced by Meta across its social networking services, advertisers can ensure that their ads maximize ROI.
2. The collaboration between Oreo and "Game of Thrones" serves as a prime example of native advertising. During the show's highly anticipated finale in 2019, Oreo introduced a limited-edition "Game of Thrones" cookie featuring the house sigils and a unique design. This ingenious tie-in resonated with the show's devoted fan base, seamlessly integrating Oreo's product into the show's world. The campaign effectively showcased how a well-executed native ad can capture the essence of a popular cultural phenomenon while promoting a brand. It's a testament to the power of native advertising to enhance the viewer's experience and create a sought-for buzz on social media. As for the criticism of "House of the Dragon," who knows? Perhaps some Oreos could have saved the day.3. The partnership between Visit Portugal and Skyscanner provides valuable travel information and support to those contemplating a trip to Portugal. The ad was strategically placed on Skyscanner booking pages, resulting in a robust click-through rate (CTR) and enhanced user engagement on the Visit Portugal landing pages.
This is a good example of an advertisement aligning well with the platform's overall communication style while also being perfectly timed and placed. This type of integration can also be complemented with well-set push ads that can play the role of a perfect “digital lasso” for your target audience. For example, a user can receive a reminder for an abandoned basket with tickets to a weekend getaway in Lisbon. This and more may be implemented with Nashpush, a fast and user-friendly push notification platform that can further enhance your marketing strategies. This is how awesome such push notification can look like:

Main Benefits of Native Advertising

Native advertising examples mentioned above illustrate that they bring quite a few advantages when implemented correctly. Here is our take at listing the top 6 benefits: 📊 Increased Engagement: Native ads blend in with the platform they are displayed on, making them more appealing and less intrusive. This leads to higher engagement rates among audiences. 💡Enhanced Brand Awareness: By appearing as a natural part of the platform, native ads help to increase brand awareness and recognition among users. 📈 Higher Conversions: As native ads are designed to promote a particular action, such as clicking on a link or making a purchase, they tend to have higher conversion rates than traditional ads. 👌Improved User Experience: Native ads are less disruptive to users, as they don't interrupt their browsing experience. This results in a more positive user experience overall. 🤝 Increased Credibility: Native ads are viewed as more credible than traditional ads, as they are not perceived as being pushy or sales-focused.🎯 Better Targeting: Native ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on their interests and browsing behavior. This results in more relevant and personalized ads for users, which can lead to higher engagement and conversions.

Summing Up

As consumer resistance to traditional advertising methods, such as invasive display ads and banner ads, continues to grow, native ads have become an essential avenue to explore. Implementing native ads marks the strive to add value, engage the audience, and direct them towards a particular action without disrupting their experience. The result is content that looks and feels like an integral part of the platform. Long story short, native advertising is advantageous for all parties involved in communication – media, advertisers, and the end user.