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Triggered marketing: Ultimate guide

Published: November, 2023
Last updated: : November, 2023

What is triggered marketing

In today's fast-paced and data-driven marketing world, precision and timing are paramount. Meet triggered marketing — an indispensable tool that has redefined how businesses engage with their audience.Trigger marketing can be described as the art and science of sending the right messages to the right people at the right time.  At its core, triggered marketing is all about trigger events—specific actions or user interactions. These trigger events can range from a sign-up or product view to more advanced behaviors like cart abandonment.Follow the blog and explore more about what is triggered marketing. Discover the 'why' and 'how' behind this transformative tool, and unveil the untapped potential it holds for your business. Let’s start the ball rolling!

Benefits of triggered marketing

Triggered marketing isn't just a buzzword; it's a dynamic strategy with a host of tangible benefits. Let’s discover why this tool is so important in the world of modern marketing 😎🔥 Better efficiencyFirst things first. We all care about the efficiency of our marketing campaigns. With more personalized content, you have a golden opportunity to increase conversions (and income altogether). 
Stats prove this fact. According to the report of Blueshift, your trigger based marketing is 497% more effective than mass emails. The click-through rate is 468% higher, while the conversion rate is 525% higher. Not bad, right? 🤔
The other side of the coin is also beneficial. With trigger marketing, your team can focus on tasks requiring attention and creativity. For instance, imagine that a customer abandons their online shopping cart. A trigger-based marketing system can automatically send them a personalized push message with a reminder about the items left behind, enticing to complete the purchase. This timely and relevant message increases the chances of conversion by addressing the specific behavior and preferences of that customer 😍🔥 More relevant messagesWe all know that generic, irrelevant messages are the root of all evil, leading to higher unsubscribe rates. Perhaps you also faced at some point such instances when you get a sudden and poorly understandable message and then think, “What’s the hell? What on earth is this?" Such cases can be a major turn-off for recipients and can even damage your brand's reputation.
With trigger marketing, your marketing efforts become more efficient and precise, ensuring that the right messages reach the right audience at the right time.
🔥 Cost-efficiencyOne of the primary ways triggered marketing improves cost efficiency is through automation. Instead of manually creating and sending individual marketing campaigns, businesses can set up automated triggers based on customer actions or behaviors. This reduces the workload on marketing teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.

Types of triggers

Generally, there are two types of triggers: functional (linked to an action) and personal (linked to the profile, preferences, and characteristics).
📌 Functional triggers 
Functional triggers marketing are activated by specific user behaviors or events. A customer subscribes to you, and you want to keep them engaged? Of course, you can do this with triggered marketing. The system initiates a series of automated onboarding emails, welcoming the user and guiding them through the setup and usage of the application. 📌Personal triggersPersonal triggers are used to deliver highly personalized content. Personal triggers are based on such factors as demographics, purchase history, location, etc. This level of personalization not only drives immediate engagement but also sets the stage for lasting customer relationships. When individuals feel understood and catered to, they're more likely to remain loyal, become brand advocates, and contribute to the long-term success of your business. 💥 In summary, functional triggers react to user behaviors and actions. Personal triggers utilize user data to provide a level of personalization that's second to none. When these triggers work in harmony, businesses can unlock the full potential of triggered marketing, delivering messages that are not only timely but profoundly relevant.

Examples of triggered marketing

Dive into various types of triggered marketing and see how a typical example of post-purchase is manifested there. Email marketing automationThe trigger-marketing emails are commonly sent in response to specific user actions. For example, we can mention abandoned cart reminders, birthday greetings, post-purchase follow-ups, or welcome emails. Example: Imagine you’ve just made a purchase from somewhere. For example, you bought a bicycle. After completing the order, you receive an email with confirmation detailing the total cost and estimated delivery information. Apart from this, this email can include personalized product recommendations based on your purchase history or items in your shopping cart. Perhaps you can see the bike accessories or upgrade components in this mail. SMS marketingThis type is quite similar to email marketing and can be manifested in the form of a confirmation after a purchase. SMS messages have an immediate and direct reach to recipients, as they are often read within minutes of being received. This makes SMS marketing particularly effective for time-sensitive promotions or alerts.Example: Proceeding with the above example, you buy a bicycle and then get an SMS with a brief order confirmation stating that your recent order has been received and is being processed. This provides immediate reassurance. Instead of email, the customer won't have the visual appeal of images they would find in email marketing. However, you can still provide customers with valuable information and links to relevant products or content.Push notificationsPush notifications are often used in mobile apps or websites. This is a good way to deliver real-time updates and engage users based on specific triggers, such as user actions, preferences, or time-sensitive events. When properly implemented, push notifications can be a powerful tool for trigger marketing to keep users informed and engaged with your brand or platform.Example: Push notifications can be highly effective for immediate engagement, as they appear directly on a user's device screen and often have higher open rates than email or SMS. In the context of our bicycle example, you can target your customer with text, images, and other elements (like buttons and animations). As opposed to SMS and e-mail, push notifications offer a more visually engaging and interactive platform to deliver content.
Remember that push notifications should be used judiciously to avoid overwhelming customers with too many messages. Timing is crucial, and it's essential to ensure that the notifications provide real value and relevance to the individual customer.And if you are also interested in the power of push notifications, do not hesitate to apply to Nushpush. We are a  SaaS platform that is designed for companies that are willing to improve their profitability from push notifications. Join us and be a part of the future of marketing!

How to set up a successful triggered marketing campaign

1. Identify your target audience
Who are the recipients of your push notifications? Understanding their preferences, behavior, and needs is crucial for creating relevant and engaging messages. Divide your audience into segments based on specific criteria, such as demographics, behavior, location, or purchase history. Segmentation allows you to send personalized notifications to different groups.
2. Select the push notifications platform
Select a push notification platform or service (like Nashpush) that aligns with your business needs. Ensure it offers features for triggered notifications, audience segmentation, scheduling, and tracking.
3. Set up triggers
Define the triggers that will prompt push notifications. Triggers can be actions like a user's first visit, product view, cart abandonment, purchase, or specific interactions within your app or website. Configure the rules for each trigger.4. Create compelling contentWrite concise, attention-grabbing messages that align with your campaign goals and the trigger event. Use visuals, emojis, or other elements as appropriate. Do not forget to include a clear CTA that guides users on what to do next. Whether it's "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Complete Your Purchase," the CTA should be actionable.5. Define appropriate timingDetermine when to send push notifications. Timing is crucial; consider the user's time zone and the specific context of the trigger event. For example, cart abandonment notifications should be timely to increase their effectiveness.6. Monitoring and analyticsTrack the performance of your campaign in real time. Measure metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and user engagement. Analyze the data to assess the success of your campaign and make adjustments as needed.7. Scale and expandAs you gain more experience and see positive results, scale your triggered marketing campaigns to include additional triggers and segments or expand to different channels beyond push notifications if appropriate.

Last words

The power of triggered marketing (which takes various forms, including email marketing automation, SMS marketing, and push notifications) lies in its ability to send messages that are not only timely but profoundly relevant. This approach offers numerous benefits, including improved efficiency, more relevant messages, and a boost in conversion rates. By leveraging functional and personal triggers, businesses can create a marketing strategy that resonates with their audience and drives lasting customer relationships. Explore what triggered marketing can do for you and cultivate a customer base that not only remains loyal but also becomes your brand's most enthusiastic advocates.