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The Art of Lead Scoring: A Guide to Getting to Know Your Customers Better

Published: December, 2023
Last updated: : December, 2023

Introduction to Lead Scoring: More Than Just Numbers

Lead scoring isn't just a method; it's an art that requires a particular skill set. It's like piecing together clues to understand who's most likely to become your customer. Imagine each potential customer as a puzzle piece. Some fit perfectly into your business puzzle, while others might not. That's where lead scoring comes in, helping you sort through the pieces.

The Crystal Ball of Sales: Predictive Lead Scoring

Predictive lead scoring uses data, patterns, and algorithms to predict which leads are most likely to convert. It's like looking at a crowd and knowing who will enjoy your party the most.Imagine you're hosting a party with a mix of friends, neighbors, and a few new faces. In a way, lead scoring is like being a great party host. You figure out who's likely to enjoy the party the most and who might be there for the free snacks. It's about knowing your guests – or, in business, your potential customers.
This method takes into account a myriad of factors – from demographics to past behaviors – and magically comes up with a score that says, "Hey, pay attention to this one!" This lead score model uses algorithms, historical data, and patterns to guess which leads are most likely to become your customers. It's like having a crystal ball for your sales team!

Why Bother with Lead Scoring?

Here's a fun fact: not all leads are equal. Some are hot and ready to buy, while others are just window shopping. Without lead scoring, your sales team is like a ship without a compass. You might eventually find land, but you'll waste a lot of time getting there. Lead scoring points you in the right direction, ensuring your sales efforts are focused and effective.

The Game Plan: Scoring Leads Like a Pro

So, how do you score your leads? Here are some quick tips:

🎯 Define Your Ideal Lead, aka MVPs (Most Valuable Prospects)

When you're trying to score leads like a pro, the first step is like setting up a target. You need to know exactly where you're aiming. So, picture your ideal customer. Are they tech-savvy millennials, busy corporate executives, or health-conscious parents? What do they do in their free time? Are they avid readers, outdoor adventurers, or maybe food enthusiasts? Understanding these details is crucial.

🕹️ Assign Points for Different Actions

Each action a potential customer takes is like them scoring points in a video game. Visiting your website? That's like passing level one – give them 10 points. Signing up for your newsletter? They're really interested – add 20 points. Downloading a brochure? They're getting serious – score them even more points. The idea is to create a system where the more they interact with your brand, the higher their score climbs. It's like watching players move up in a game, getting closer and closer to the grand prize – becoming your customer.

📊 Keep an Eye on Behavior

This part is a bit like being a detective. You're keeping a close eye on how leads interact with your brand. Are they just peeking through the window by visiting your homepage, or are they knocking on the door by reading blog posts and reviews? Opening every email or clicking on links shows a higher level of interest. It's like noticing someone at a party who's really enjoying the music and the company – they're showing signs they're having a good time and want to stay longer.

🛠️ The Right Tools for the Job

Finally, you can't play a good game without the right equipment. In the world of lead scoring, this means having the best tools at your disposal. Enter Nashpush, a tool as handy as a Swiss Army knife in the world of push notifications. It's fast, user-friendly, and nifty, making managing push notifications as easy as pie. Think of Nashpush as your digital sous-chef – it's there to help you prepare the perfect marketing feast, ensuring every guest (or lead) has a memorable experience.

Lead Scoring in Action: A Real-World Scenario

Now, let's put this into perspective with a story. Imagine you're selling gourmet coffee online. Your ideal customer is likely a coffee enthusiast, perhaps someone who follows coffee blogs or regularly visits coffee-related websites.

🎬 Setting the Scene

So, you set up your lead scoring system. A visitor lands on your site and spends time reading articles about coffee brewing techniques and the best coffee beans. Each article they read is like a step closer to becoming a customer. So, you give them points, like virtual high-fives, for their keen interest.

🌟 The Plot Thickens

Then, something exciting happens. The same person, clearly a true coffee aficionado, signs up for your newsletter. That's not all – they click on a link in one of your emails that leads to a page about the latest, state-of-the-art espresso machines. This action is like them telling you, "Hey, I'm really interested in what you have!" So, you happily add more points to their score, mirroring their growing interest.

📈 Climax

Now, the plot reaches its peak. This individual isn't just casually browsing; they return to the espresso machine product page multiple times. They're contemplating, pondering, perhaps imagining how perfect one of those machines would look in their kitchen. This repeated visit is a loud and clear signal. You can almost hear the coffee beans grinding – it's music to your ears. Their lead score soars, indicating a red-hot interest. 


With such a high lead score, this person is no longer just a face in the crowd. They're VIPs deserving of the red-carpet treatment. Your sales team gets into action, crafting a personalized email for this espresso machine enthusiast. Perhaps you offer them an exclusive demo of the machine or a tempting discount to nudge them from 'maybe' to 'yes, please!'

The Human Touch in Lead Scoring

It's important to remember that lead scoring isn't just about algorithms and data. Behind every click and every opened email, there's a person with unique tastes and preferences. Lead scoring isn't just about following a set of rules; it's about connecting with those individuals. Every point you assign in your system represents a story, a journey of someone getting to know and trust your brand. It's about nurturing a relationship that goes beyond transactions.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The world of sales and marketing is like a kaleidoscope, constantly shifting and changing, and so should your lead scoring strategy. What worked like a charm last year might be old news this year. Your lead scoring strategy should be alive, breathing, and evolving. Regularly reviewing and updating your scoring criteria is crucial. It's akin to a chef who keeps tasting and tweaking their recipe, ensuring every dish that leaves the kitchen is nothing short of perfection.

Conclusion: The Party's Just Getting Started

Lead scoring is about throwing the best party and knowing who will enjoy it the most. It's a blend of data, intuition, and strategy. With tools like Nashpush to assist, you're setting yourself up for a successful event where the right guests – your customers – have the time of their lives.And there you have it, a thousand-word journey through the friendly and fascinating world of lead scoring. Like any great party, it's all about understanding your guests and ensuring everyone has a great time – especially your MVPs, your most valuable prospects.